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About Angelique Loomes

After fifteen years working in fashion and observing first-hand the destruction the industry was having on the planet and its people Angelique Loomes, the founder of Loomes, started to really wonder, ask, think and obsess…

“how a clothing brand could be truly sustainable…”

With the idea of conceptualising what a clothing brand for the utopian future, eco renaissance, could be, Loomes started to take shape in her mind and eventually in reality.

For the next three years she could think of nothing else; reading, researching, designing, writing, dying, sewing, drawing, making, mending, photographing and tirelessly dreaming her concept into reality.

“I was obsessed with allowing the concept and philosophy drive the design and conception of the brand to create something totally eco to its core. I just felt it was so important someone do it, to exemplify all elements of sustainably in clothing design. These days people and brands are a bit more aware of the darker side to fashion but when I started this journey there was only a few eco conscious people on the fringe of society wearing hemp fisherman pants and nothing in between, I knew I wasn’t the only one wanting beautiful clothing that was truly sustainable, and I wanted to provide an option to live consciously without having to compromise on beauty and luxury.

Describe yourself and your designs to us?

I always knew I wanted to be a fashion designer, amongst other things - it felt very natural to study fashion design soon after leaving school. I was lucky to have the career I had throughout my twenties. I worked for Russh magazine while studying and then landed a head designer role straight out of college. I worked my way up through various businesses and was working as a Creative Director for large corporate brands by the time I was thirty.

During those ten years, I spent in the industry working for those corporate and often fast fashion brands I spent a lot of time in the factories in China and Bali and I saw first hand the destruction the fashion industry was causing. Naturally, I felt the industry speeding up and I knew we couldn't go on like this.

I became totally obsessed with trying to understand what "truly" sustainable clothing 'could' be in an idealistic future.

I could see from within, certain businesses were marketing themselves with the eco flag but actually not really acting very sustainably and still driving fast fashion and environmental destruction.

A sustainable solution to fashion needed to be more than bamboo t-shirts.

Years of researching, conceptualising and developing led to the birth of Loomes.

All my Designs are 100% driven by that strong foundation of 'truely' sustainable.

Timeless, versatile, durable, recyclable, reusable natural ect.

Loomes is much greater than what you see today, this is just the tip of the iceberg and the very beginning.

What do you love to do most to recharge or relax?

I love mending, by hand or any hand sewing, the rhythm and focus is like a meditation for me,

Otherwise, I will relax at the beach just down the road from us, or spending time in nature, bush walks and picnics painting in the outdoors, gardening - connecting with Mumma earth is always the best remedy for me.

What advice do you have for emerging designers?

Follow your passion, be passionate, have the courage to do what you believe in.

If your business doesn't occupy a big part of your heart it's going to be hard to push through all the challenges.

I started a kids clothing line with a business partner before I did Loomes, maybe I was too scared to invest in my dream so invested in someone else's - I regret not starting Loomes sooner.

So my advice is to go for it if you believe in it. Don't do it if its not a fire in your soul.